Stocks Compare Tool - this tool allows you to compare performance of various stocks and funds, check their historical behaviour, analyze and compare stocks and funds historical returns.

Please enter stocks/funds you wish to compare below, select desired compare parameters and press "Compare" button.

Time Frame
Portfolio start year. Must be equal or greater 1985.
Start month
Portfolio end year. Must be equal or greater than start year.
End month
Portfolio time frame. Start date must be equal or greater 01/1985. End date must be equal or greater than start date.
Tax Brackets
Your income tax
Long term capital gain tax
State tax
Tax calculations are approximate and for illustration purposes only. There is no way we can possibly know your exact tax situation and calculate that correctly for you.
Please enter stocks to compare.
  • Enter comma or space separated stock and/or fund tickers in the input field below and press "Add" button to validate and add them to compare list.
  • Press "Clear List" button to clear the compare list.
  • Press "Clear Input" button to clear input field.
  • Make selections in "Parameters" window below and press "Compare" button to compare stocks.
Stocks/funds to compare
Initial Value
Initial portfolio value in $
Apply Taxes
Reinvest dividends
Adjust for inflation during each period

Disclaimer: We are NOT a registered investment, financial or tax advisor, rating agency or a broker/dealer. All investment/financial opinions expressed by this site are from our own research and experience and are intended as educational material. Although best efforts are made to ensure that all information, data and calculations provided by this website are accurate and up to date, accuracy is not guaranteed and results can differ from the real life results. We hold NO responsibility or liability for any errors, losses or damages incurred as a result of any individual actions based on the provided information. Nothing on this website should be or is meant to be understood as a recommendation, and we do NOT advise making investment decisions based solely on information provided by this website. Always do your own research and contact a professional if necessary before making any financial decision.

Remember: Past performance does not guarantee future results, even if stock/fund performed well in the past there is no guarantee it will do the same in the future.

© Ladnotech LLC. 2025
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