Market research

Stocks4Income is a research, analysis and back-testing website for stocks. Helping you to create a profitable trading strategy by analyzing current and historical data of the stock market. Our quantitative methods can help in finding a successful strategy that’s backed by science and data.

Our tools

Portfolio backtesting

Stock market

Portfolio back-testing is the process of simulating an investment strategy using historical prices to test how well the strategy would have done in the past. This online portfolio back-testing tool allows you to construct one or more portfolios based on the selected stocks to analyze and backtest portfolio returns, annual and rolling returns. The results include a visualization of the portfolio growth chart, rolling annual returns (absolute values and percentage relative to the contributed amount) and also sector allocations chart. A periodic contribution or withdrawal can also be specified together with the preferred portfolio re-balancing strategy.

Compare stocks/funds

Stocks compare

This tool is similar to back-testing tool, but it compares multiple portfolios with one stock or fund each. You can analyze and back-test each stock and see how it compares to others. Same as backtest tool, results include a visualization of the portfolio growth charts, rolling annual returns (absolute values and percentage relative to the contributed amount) and also sector allocations chart and top 10 stocks for funds and ETFs. A periodic contribution or withdrawal can also be specified to test historical stock or fund returns.

Sample portfolios

Stocks portfolio

Our sample portfolios includes multiple portfolios with stock/funds allocations recommended by various authorities. These portfolios include Warren Buffett 90/10 Portfolio, Paul Merriman - Ultimate Buy and Hold Strategy Portfolio, Coffeehouse Portfolio, Bill Bernstein's No Brainer Portfolio, Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio and many others.

Disclaimer: We are NOT a registered investment, financial or tax advisor, rating agency or a broker/dealer. All investment/financial opinions expressed by this site are from our own research and experience and are intended as educational material. Although best efforts are made to ensure that all information, data and calculations provided by this website are accurate and up to date, accuracy is not guaranteed and results can differ from the real life results. We hold NO responsibility or liability for any errors, losses or damages incurred as a result of any individual actions based on the provided information. Nothing on this website should be or is meant to be understood as a recommendation, and we do NOT advise making investment decisions based solely on information provided by this website. Always do your own research and contact a professional if necessary before making any financial decision.

Remember: Past performance does not guarantee future results, even if stock/fund performed well in the past there is no guarantee it will do the same in the future.

© Ladnotech LLC. 2025
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